
Lisa Rodriguez
Maker Faire Long Island Co-Producer
Director Digital Media/Marketing
Long Island Explorium

See Our Full Schedule:
See All Our Maker:

On Friday, October 16th and Saturday, October 17th the Empire State Maker Faire, a statewide showcase organized by local producers throughout New York State, will share the creative work and technical know-how of all kinds of makers who share a passion for making.  As part of the internationally acclaimed maker movement, the event features demonstrations, performances and how-to workshops – everything from 3D printed chocolate, cosplay, and robots to programming haunted houses, creating cardboard creations, and hacking board games.  Empire State Maker Faire is online, free, and open to the public.

Our Call for Makers has closed and we had a tremendous response from creative people throughout New York State, as well as globally. 

On Friday, October 16th, the Empire State Maker Faire will launch with our Student Day, which runs from 9:00am through 6pm* and is geared toward students and educators, whether they are learning in person, remotely, or are homeschooled. You won’t want to miss Mario the Maker Magician, Friday’s keynote speaker! Students will love learning how to recycle electronic waste into jewelry, create an animated hero, and discover some cool new twists on origami, robotics, and more! Parents and teachers will appreciate workshops on incorporating STEM/STEAM into your own curriculum. And everyone will enjoy the Five Minute Lightning Talks featuring a wide variety of Makers inspiring creativity for all ages!

Saturday, October 17th, will feature a full schedule of Makers, exhibits, tours and more across 3 streaming channels from 9:00am to 8:00pm. Several makerspaces throughout New York State will give tours and demonstrations of their community members’ work. You’ll learn about saving the bees with recycled materials, as well as how to make puppets — both traditional and robotic. Did we say 3D printed chocolate? Saturday’s keynote speaker will be Limor Fried, founder and CEO of Adafruit Industries.

Mark your calendar and follow and on social media for updates on programming content and schedules!

Empire State Maker Faire is presented by the producers of Maker Faires in Rochester, Long Island, Buffalo, Fredonia, Twin Tiers, Syracuse, and World Maker Faire, in conjunction with Make: Community ( )
Maker Faires are produced under license from Make Community LLC.

Media Contacts:

Lisa Rodriguez
Maker Faire Long Island, Co-Producer
Empire State Maker Faire, Co-Producer

Gillian Mutti

Maker Faire/Make Community


Maker Faire Long Island is produced by the Long Island Explorium, a children’s museum focused on science and engineering under license from Make Community LLC. Follow the development of Maker Faire Long Island on Twitter @MakerFaireLI, on Facebook @MakerFaireLI and on Instagram @makerfaireli.

About the Long Island Explorium

The Long Island Explorium is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit and is chartered with the New York State Department of Education.  Our vision is to be a leader in STEM discovery, learning and innovation that will shape the intellect, social values and principles of future generations Our curriculum, exhibits and educational approach are unique by design, developed to spark inventive solutions, build confidence by embracing the “fail forward” concept and foster teamwork. We are recognized as Long Island’s Family Maker Space.


Keynote Speakers include:

Empire State Maker Faire Keynote by Limor Fried of Adafruit

Limor Fried is an American electrical engineer and owner of the electronics hobbyist company Adafruit Industries. She is influential in the open-source hardware community, having participated in the first Open Source Hardware Summit and the drafting of the Open Source Hardware definition, and is known for her moniker ladyada, a homage to Lady Ada Lovelace.

Adafruit Industries is an open-source hardware company based in New York City. It was founded by Limor Fried in 2005.[2] The company designs, manufactures and sells a number of electronics products, electronics components, tools and accessories. It also produces a number of learning resources, including live and recorded videos related to electronics, technology, and programming.

The Magic of Making with Mario the Maker Magician

Mario is a NY-based, touring performer with an all-ages theater show full of homespun magic, diy robotics, and punk rock slapstick. it’s magic through the lens of the maker movement! Mario has appeared on Sesame Street, Universal kids, and

live on tour with David Blaine, who calls him “the best kids magician in the world!!”

Mario offers a half-hour keynote presentation for Student Day, in which he shares his personal journey with making and how to adapt making to your life in the most fulfilling way. Offering some demos of his own creative works, and inspiration for kids to discover their own unique paths. Do what you love. Use what you have. And have fun.